Etap 3 zawodów Red Bull Storm Chase w Kornwalii ma zielone światło. Zawodnicy i cała załoga są albo w drodze albo już na miejscu. Zawody rozgrywane będą w sobotę i w niedzielę. Prognoza jest potężna. Windfinder przewiduje obecnie fale o wysokości 11.1m i 47 węzłów prędkości wiatru w Gwithian. Siepł życzy powodzenia w finałowej wersji dla Marcilio Browne, Leona Jamaera, Dany Brucha i Thomasa Traversa. Zobaczcie sami jak wygląda sztorm w zapisach metereologicznych i jak to wygląda na miejscu.
Wiemy też jak skomentowali jutrzejsze pływanie :
Dany Bruch : "Yesss!!! The final is finally there!! I cant belive it!! I have been looking forward to this moment since Tazzie (od Tansanii)! Since then we have had a few alarms, but they always got canceled again..but now...yeehaaaa..exciteedd!! And the forecast looks amazing!!! I cant wait to see what we are going to get...I already had 2 nights without sleep..just too excited!
When I got the final GO I was in Tenerife doing some shooting for a new clip for Challenger and after some stuff for the goverment of the actually took us all had a late pack and off to the airport next morning! I packed 2 Starboards, my favorite storm weather board, the Kode 77 and a Quad 74. I packed my new 3 batten sails from Challenger, that work amazingly well in high winds, a 3.2, 3.7,4.2 and a special storm chase sail that Claudio Bad from Challengersails made for me for this final mission..a 3.5 super machine!! Also packed my Xcel wetty 5.3mm with all the extras to keep me warm, plus my Ugg boots and lots of more cloth to stay in good temperature!
This is my first time in Cornwall. We have been introduced a bit with the conditions we might get...massive waves and strong winds of course!! Forecast looks epic...10m waves and more than 50 knots...what a mix! I cant wait to see it happening! My expectations?? It's now or never to give it all!! All I want to do is to go big!!!"
Leon Jamaer : "I am in South Africa and now, since we have the official GO decision, I can go for one last relaxed session down here as we have a pretty decent swell today. Then I will head straight to the airport and hopefully get a bit of sleep during the overnight flight. I will bring boards between 74 and 83 liters, sails from 3,2 to 4,7 and a 5/3 wetsuit. I sailed Cornwall some years ago and had a few nice sessions over there. As far as I know it should be port tack, very windy and big. I hope it will be a little less windy than Ireland and similar waves to Tasmania... maybe one or two heats in side-on would be sick for jumping!"
Marcilio Browne : "I got informed 2 days ago and I was at home in Maui. I will bring sails from 3,4 to 4,7 and 5/4 and 4/3 wetsuits. It is my first time in Cornwall and I guess the conditions will be very intense. My goals is just to do my best and have fun."
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